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Computer Science





My progress



Learning Objectives

ID Skill_name RAG
Lesson 1 Objectives
 8.41 I can use simple loops in a program to repeat specific behaviour
 8.41 I can use determinite loops to repeat code a specific number of times
 8.41 I use a for loop to go through the characters in a string
Lesson 2 Objectives
 8.42 I can use non determinite loops to repeat code until a condition is met.
Lesson 3 Objectives
 8.43 I can use the data structure type of list
 8.43 I can add and remove items from a list
Lesson 4 Objectives
 8.44 I can manipulate string data
 8.44 I can find values in a string
Lesson 5 Objectives
 8.45 I can use the python turtle module to draw a basic shape
 8.45 I can use basic functions in turtle module to create and fill simple geometrical shapes
Lesson 6 Objectives
 8.46 I can use python to create animated graphics
Extension Objectives
  I can make use of appropriate data structures
  I can use create and use simple functions in python
  I can write my own modular programs that use procedures or functions
 8.51 I have completed my python assessment

My Unit Progress

Highcharts Example





My Notes:

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Teacher Date: 10-10-24