Computer Science LearnITWithMrC ⛯ Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 GCSE
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Introduction Lesson

What am I Learning today?

I am learning how to use file explorer to acess my home Drive
I am learning how to create folders and rename them
I am learning how to organise files and folders using a suitable structure

Knowledge Organiser



Task 1 - Getting Started Click to see more

  1. Make sure you have written your Username and Password into your planner.

  2. We are going to save all of our work into our Learning Journal.

    To download the Learning Journal click on the image below

  3. Now go to the page that says Task 1 and Set your Learning Objectives to the appropriate colour.

    Review task:

    Tick each task when you have successfully done it in the following list:

    I have written my Login Username and Password into my planner.
    I have opened my Learning Journal.
    I have coloured in my Learning Objectives.

Task 2 - Using file Explorer Click to see more

Using File Explorer:

  • Once you logged in using your Knole login ID and password, it is time to get to know your own space, the home drive (N drive) on your school computer.
  • Your home drive is your own private disk space for you to save all your work for Computer Science/ICT, and for other subjects if you need to.
  • It is very important to organise your work in your home drive so you know how to access them quickly.
  • Let's access your Home Drive by following the step-by-step instructions below:
    Do it
    1. from the File explorer on the windows menu bar, click the icon the red arrow is pointing
    2. fileExplorer.png
    3. Once you open the File explorer, you should see something like the image shown below. Double click on the drive with your username on it to open your home drive.
    4. thePC.png

    5. Now Screenshot your Home Drive into your Learning Journal
    6. fileExplorer.png

  • Can you close your File Explorer program, then re-open it and get back to your Home Drive?
  • puzzled

    Review task:

    Tick each task when you have successfully done it in the following list:

    I have found and opened File explorer.
    I have successfully accessed my home drive.
    I added a screenshot of my home drive to my Learning Journal.
    I have closed File explorer and then reopened it and successfully accessed my home drive.

    Task 3 - Reviewing file Explorer Click to see more

    Summing it all up

    Lets look at the learning outcomes and decide which one best describes our current level of understanding :

    Tick the one you feel is closest to your level

    Learning Outcomes I need to learn how to use file explorer to acess my home Drive

    • I have a basic understanding of how I can use file explorer to acess my home Drive with a little help from my teacher
    • I can show my teacher that I can use file explorer to acess my home Drive without their help.
    • I can use file explorer to acess my home Drive independently and I can also explain it to others and can complete any extension tasks I am given.

    🠜 Now update your learning objectivesClick on the Assessment image

    Task 4 - Creating Folders Click to see more

    Getting organised by creating folders :

    • The best way to organise your work while you are at Knole is to use folders.
    • For example, you may create a folder called "Computer Science" or "ICT" and inside this folder you might add more folders for each topic.
    • Lets create some folders by following the step-by-step instructions below:
      Do it
      1. Open File explorer, then go to your Home Drive
      2. Double Click on it so you are inside of it.
      3. Now create a folder by clicking on the new folder icon. See the image below to help you.
      4. newFolder.png
      5. Rename your folder from the default name "New folder" to "Year 7" by clicking on it once, then replacing the text with Year 7, then hit enter.

      6. newFolder2.png
      7. Double click on the new "Year 7" folder to go into it. Then repeat steps 1&2 to create a folder called "Computer Science" or "ICT" inside of the "Year 7" folder.
      8. unitsofwork
      9. Now click again to go inside your "Computer Science" or "ICT" folder and create a folder for each of the six Computer Science/ICT units (see below for their names).
      10. unitsofwork unitsofwork

        Your folders should look something like the picture above.

      11. Now Screenshot them into your Learning Journal

  • Can you make some Folders for your other subjects in the approriate folder?
  • puzzled

    Review task:

    Tick each task when you have successfully done it in the following list:

    I have created a Year 7 folder in my home drive.
    I have added a folder called Computer Science or ICT in my Year 7 folder.
    I have added folders for some of my other subjects
    I have closed File explorer and then reopened it and successfully accessed my home drive.

    Task 5 - Lesson review Click to see more

  • Set your Learning Objectives to the appropriate colour.
  • Write a brief review of how well you feel you did in achieving the learning objectives, be honest!
  • Summing it all up

    Lets look at the learning outcomes and decide which one best describes our current level of understanding :

    Tick the one you feel is closest to your level

    Learning Outcomes I need to learn how to create folders and rename them

    • I have a basic understanding of how I can create folders and rename them with a little help from my teacher
    • I can show my teacher that I can create folders and rename them without their help.
    • I can create folders and rename them independently and I can also explain it to others and can complete any extension tasks I am given.

    🠜 Now update your learning objectivesClick on the Assessment image

    Task 6 - Homework Click to see more

    Now that you have logged into your school account. The next thing we need to be able to do is to log in to your Office 365 account.

    Logging in To Office 365

      Let's Login to Office 365 → Click here

      1. Click on the sign in button.
        1. Then enter your school email address, this is your username with @knoleacademy on the end.
      2. Now enter your school login password.

      When you have logged in you should be able to access your email and all of the other Microsoft Office apps, have a play around with them.

    • Look for the app called OneDrive and open it.
    • one drive
    • Can you make Folders in OneDrive just like you did in your Home Drive on your school PC?
    • puzzled

    My Notes: e_skills

    Student_Comment_1 not found

    Task Notes/Comments - Add here Click to see more


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