Computer Science LearnITWithMrC ⛯ Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 GCSE
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Lesson Video


Lesson Tasks

  • Watch the Lesson video
    Make notes on your notes sheet.
  • Read the lesson notes
    Make notes on your notes sheet.
  • Complete the learning activities
    Make any notes on your notes sheet.
  • Check the Learning outcomes
    Update your learning objectives

What do I need to Learn?

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I need to learn how to write a simple data validation routine to check if a string has a minimum length or is empty.
I need to learn how to write a simple data validation routine to check if data entered lies within a given range (eg between 1 and 10).
I need to learn how to write a simple authentication routine to check a username and password

Key Terms

validation authentication length check presence check range check flag variable

There is no Powerpoint to go with this section. You can download the notes sheet from Task 1 and make some notes on the topic, however most tasks are to be completed in your book. Don't forget to update your learning objectives at the end!

Task 1 - Getting organised - notes Click to see more

Task 1: Fill in the heading.

Open your cornell notes word document, if you would rather fill it in by hand then feel free to print it out. Fill in the video title and the topic at the top of the page. See example below.

Open a Cornell notes sheet by clicking on the image below.


Remember good notes allow students to help each other problem solve

Good notes will help you organise and process data and information

Cornell notes help you retain and recall information by having three different ways/sections where you process the information.

Note taking is a way of helping you to remember things you would otherwise forget. It also stimulates our critical thinking skills.

Remember! whenever you see the notes icon this means the information is important and you should write it down on your notes sheet.

Task 2 - Authentication Click to see more

Task: Authentication

Open your student workbook at page 81 and complete the following tasks.
  1. Task 47
  2. Task 48

Task 3 - Extension Activities Click to see more

Verification and authentication - Learning Activities

The purpose of verification and authentication is to check if a user is allowed to access a system. The most common method use for verification is a user ID and password.

We use authentication an check to see both if a user is allowed access to a system and to check that they are who they say they are. To do this we might ask for details that only they would know, like a pin number or a mother’s maiden name.

In more recent times sometimes authentication is done via biometrics, which can include:

  • Fingerprints
  • Facial recognition
  • Retina or Iris patterns
  • Voice recognition

Coding activity

Task 1: Length check

Look at the 'Lesson Notes' and write code for a length check from the psuedocode given.

Task 2: Presence check

Look at the 'Lesson Notes' and write code for a presence check from the psuedocode given.

Task 3: Range check

Look at the 'Lesson Notes' and write code for a range check from the psuedocode given.

Task 4: Password authentication routine

Look at the 'Lesson Notes' and write code for an authentication from the psuedocode given.

Extension Task : Password authentication routine

Look at the 'BBC link' and write code for an authentication from the psuedocode given on the second page.

Learning Outcomes

  • I can explain what authentication is.
  • I can create code to authenticate some data.
  • I can create code to validate and authenticate data
    using a range of different methods

Task 4 - Homework Click to see more

Complete any unfinished tasks