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3.1 Fundamentals of algorithms


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3.1Fundamentals of algorithms
3.1.1Representing algorithms
 R1 I can understand and explain the term algorithm.
 R2 I can understand and explain the term decomposition.
 R3 I can understand and explain the term abstraction.
 R4 I can explain simple algorithms in terms of their inputs, processing and outputs.
 R4 I can represent simple algorithms using flowcharts or pseudo-code
 R5 I can represent algorithms using flowcharts, pseudo-code and use them to create program code
 R6 I can use trace tables and visual inspection to determine how simple algorithms work.
3.1.2Efficiency of algorithms
 R7 I can understand that more than one algorithm can be used to solve the same problem.
 R9 I can compare the efficiency of algorithms and explain how some algorithms are more efficient than others in solving the same problem.
3.1.3Searching algorithms
 R7 I can understand and explain how the linear search algorithm works.
 R7 I can understand and explain how the binary search algorithm works.
 R7 I can compare and contrast linear and binary search algorithms.
3.1.4Sorting algorithms
 R9 I can understand and explain how the merge sort algorithm works.
 R8 I can understand and explain how the bubble sort algorithm works.
 R9 I can compare and contrast merge sort and bubble sort algorithms.

Highcharts Example

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Teacher Date: 15-02-25

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