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3.4 Computer systems


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3.4Computer systems
3.4.1Hardware and software
 R57 I can define the terms hardware and software and understand the relationship between them.
3.4.2Boolean logic
 R54 I can explain what logic gates are.
 R54 I can Construct truth tables for OR gates
 R54 I can Construct truth tables for AND gates
 R54 I can Construct truth tables for NOT gates
 R54 I can Construct truth tables for XOR gates
 R54 I can construct truth tables for simple logic circuits.
 R54 I can interpret the results of simple truth tables
 R54 I can create, modify and interpret simple logic circuit diagrams
3.4.3Software classification
 R55 I can explain what is meant by and give examples of system software
 R55 I can explain what is meant by and give examples of application software
 R55 I can understand the need for, and functions of, operating systems (OS)
 R56 I can understand the need for, and functions of, Utility Software
 R56 I can understand that the OS handles management of processor(s), memory, I/O devices, applications and security
3.4.4Classification of programming languages
 R33 I can explain what a high level of programming languages is.
 R33 I can explain what a low level of programming languages is.
 R33 I can explain the main differences between low-level and high-level languages.
 R33 I can understand that machine code and assembly language are considered to be low-level languages.
 R33 I can explain the differences between machine code and assembly language .
 R33 I can explain why all programming code written in high-level or assembly languages must be translated into machine code.
 R33 I can describe why machine code is expressed in binary and is specific to a processor or family of processors.
 R33 I can Understand the advantages and disadvantages of low-level language programming compared with high-level language programming.
 R35 I can explain what an interpreter is and how it is used as a program translator.
 R35 I can explain what a compiler is and how it is used as a program translator.
 R35 I can explain what an assembler is and how it is used as a program translator.
 R35 I can explain the main differences between these three types of translator.
 R35 I can describe when it would be appropriate to use each type of translator.
3.4.5Systems architecture
 R58 I can explain the Von Neumann architecture.
 R60 I can explain the role and operation of main memory
 R59 I can explain how the ALU, control unit, clock and bus work as major components of a CPU
 R59 I can explain the effect of clock speed, number of processor cores, cache size and cache type on the performance of the CPU:
 R59 I can understand and explain the Fetch-Execute cycle
 R61 I can understand the differences between main memory and secondary storage
 R60 I can understand the differences between RAM and ROM
 R61 I can understand why secondary storage is required and am aware of different types of secondary storage
 R61 I can explain the operation of solid state, optical and magnetic storage and discuss the advantages and disadvantages
 R62 I can explain the term 'cloud storage' and the advantages and disadvantages of cloud storage when compared to local storage
 R57 I can understand the term 'embedded system' and explain how an embedded system differs from a non-embedded system

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Teacher Date: 15-02-25

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