Open the PowerPoint that you were using for the last three last weeks lessons
Save it into the following folder
Save it as your Username e.g. 22ChallenorL
Lets practice creating a chart like we did in last weeks lesson
Click on the image below and complete the hogwarks 1st Year O.W.L.S results speadsheet
Make sure you save a copy of this as you will need a copy of this worksheet to put into into your user interface workbook?
Lets practice using some formaulae and functions
Click on the image below and complete the hogwarks shopping list formula speadsheet
Lets extend our learning for formaulae and functions
Click on the image below and complete the Hogwalks Express Worksheet
We are going to create a worksheet called 'menu' in a new workbook. The first thing we must do is make sure we rename our worksheet called 'Sheet1' to 'menu'
Now we can start formatting our menu page so that is looks like a proper User Interface.
Lets look at the learning outcomes and decide which one best describes our current level of understanding :
Tick the one you feel is closest to your level