Computer Science LearnITWithMrC ⛯ Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 GCSE
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What am I Learning today?

I am learning how to create a interactive teaching tool about hardware and networks

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Task 0 - Overall Objective Click to see more

Your task

To create an interactive PowerPoint to help students understand about computer hardware and networks

How will I be assessed

You will be assessed based upon the following criteria

  • 1. You have a Title page that is colourful and engaging (2 marks)
  • 2.You have a Menu page that is colourful and contains links to all of your other pages (2 marks)
  • 3.You have a page for each of the following with an appropriate image and accurate information that is in your own words.Each page is worth (2 marks)
      • Input devices
      • Output devices
      • Processing devices
      • Primary Storage
      • Secondary Storage
      • Storage Devices
      • What is a computer Network
      • What is a LAN
      • What is a WAN
      • Types of Networks
      • What is a topology
      • Bus topology
      • Star topology
      • Ring topology
      • Operating Systems
      • Types of Operating systems
      • Advantages and Disadvantages of Operating systems
      • Operating Systems features
      • Functions of an operating system
  • 4. you will get 2 bonus marks for each of the following extension task slides
      • A diagram with your own example of the the input process output system
      • Types of data storage volatile and non volatile
      • The worlds biggest network
  • 5. You have an interactive quiz with at least 5 questions (5 marks)
  • 6. Your quiz does not allow the user to click to go to another slide but uses hyperlinks (2 marks)
  • 7. Your presentation is suitable for the audience which is Year 6 (5 marks)
  • 8. Any little extras you have done to make the presentaion more interactive and entertaining (5 marks)

  • Total marks (65)

  • My Notes: hardware

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