Scratch - Decisions and branching
Scratch - Broadcasting and loops
Scratch - Interactive programming
Think of an idea for a coding project .
You have until the first lesson back after half term to complete your project. This will form part of your assessment. So even if you don't have the skills right now don't worry you soon will.
Click on the image below to see ideas
Any code found to be plagerised without credit will get a 0
Make sure that you have your scratch Powerpoint Open
Now log into your Scratch account
You can do that by clicking on the link below
We're going to create a script for a sprite to make it move across the screen. So start by selecting a sprite. You can use the cat or add a sprite from the costume Library
Whenever we are coding graphics we need to use a co-ordinate system so that we know the position of the sprite on the screen.
Here is the co-ordinate grid for scratch
You can see that the centre of the screen has the co-ordiantes (0,0)
Above you can see that the ball sprite is at co-ords (-100,100) and that I have created a script that will move the ball to the centre of the screen (0,0) when the green flag is clicked.
We can move our sprite with the Motion blocks
Our challenge now is to move our sprite using the blocks below instead of the Move 10 steps block
Lets look at the learning outcomes and decide which one best describes our current level of understanding :
Tick the one you feel is closest to your level
We are now going to do some drawing in scratch. So first we need to delete our cat and add a new pencil sprite.
Then we need to edit our pencil costume so that the tip of the pencil points to the centre of the area.
Now add in the x-y grid backdrop
Move our pencil so that it goes to the co-ordinates (-100 , 100)
Then finally in scratch online to do our drawing we have to click on the extensions button (in the bottom left corner of the screen).
and click on the pen extension
Now we are ready to do some drawing !
Answer the questions below based upon your current understanding of the topic i.e. ( Red, Amber, Green ) :