Computer Science LearnITWithMrC ⛯ Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 GCSE
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Scratch - Sensing

What am I Learning today?

I am learning how to use Sensing

Knowledge Organiser



Task 1 - Getting Started Click to see more

Make sure that you have your scratch Powerpoint Open

Now log into your Scratch account

You can do that by clicking on the link below

Task 2 - Sensing Click to see more

In maze, pong, or collide type games, you usually want a sprite to bounce back or move when it touches an edge or an object. This can be accomplished by using a Sensing block such as the ones shown below. These blocks are usually placed in a block and then an block (which are Control blocks) along with Motion blocks that tell the sprite how far to move.




Can you create a simple script that checks to see if the space key has been pressed and then alerts the user when it has been?

Click here to see the solution.

  • Add a screenshot of your code or scratch link into your PowerPoint.

  • Task 3 - Creating an activity Click to see more

    Exercise - What will you create

    Create your own scratch activity

    Click in the button below to create your own scratch activity

    Click Me

    Task 4 - Update your learning objective Click to see more

    Summing it all up

    Lets look at the learning outcomes and decide which one best describes our current level of understanding :

    Tick the one you feel is closest to your level

    Learning Outcomes I need to learn how to use Sensing

    • I have a basic understanding of how I can use Sensing with a little help from my teacher
    • I can show my teacher that I can use Sensing without their help.
    • I can use Sensing independently and I can also explain it to others and can complete any extension tasks I am given.

    🠜 Now update your learning objectivesClick on the Assessment image

    Task 5 - Planning Your project Click to see more

    Extension Challenge - 'Planning'

    For your project you need to think about the following:
  • How will it begin (menu) instructions?(broadcasting)
  • How will you measure how well the person did? (variable)
  • What Sprites will you need?
  • What background(s) will you need?
  • Success criteria: How will you know if you project is successful?
  • Complete a success statement that starts :-My project will be successful if…
  • control

    Task 6 - Update your learning objective Click to see more

    Summing it all up

    Lets look at the learning outcomes and decide which one best describes our current level of understanding :

    Tick the one you feel is closest to your level

    Learning Outcomes

    • I have a basic understanding of how with a little help from my teacher
    • I can show my teacher that without their help.
    • independently and I can also explain it to others and can complete any extension tasks I am given.

    🠜 Now update your learning objectivesClick on the Assessment image

    My Notes: coding-s

    Student_Comment_3 not found

    Task Notes/Comments - Add here Click to see more


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