Computer Science LearnITWithMrC ⛯ Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 GCSE
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e-safety 1

What am I Learning today?

I am learning how to use technology safely and responsibly
I am learning how to list precautions and measures to take, to stay safe online

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Task 1 - Getting Started Click to see more

Before we get started we need to do a couple of things

  1. Open up PowerPoint and create a title page called Staying Safe Online..

  2. Save your new PowerPoint to OneDrive and call it Staying Safe Online.

  3. Update your learning objectives for this lesson so that they are red

Task 2 - Completing an online survey Click to see more

How much time do we spend online?


  • Most children and young adults have had access to the Internet for their entire lives.
  • They spend considerable portions of their days (and nights) viewing the Web, talking on messaging apps, and playing online games.
  • We still don't know whether this may turn out to cause have psychological or health problems in later life.
  • We're going to start with a small survey, to find out how much time you spend online in comparison to your peers.

First name:
Last name:
House Number:
mobile phone:
Hours spent on YouTube per Day:
Hours spent on SnapChat or other Messenger per Day:
Hours spent on Online Games per Day:
Hours spent doing Homework per Day:

How did you do?

Task 3 - Staying Safe Click to see more


  • Did you click Submit? Did you read the warning message?
  • If so then you are probably not alone. We often click on buttons, fill in forms and accept terms and conditions without reading them.
  • Often we don't even think about where that information goes or what the receiver will do with it.
  • This is a good example of unsafe behaviour. You should never share personal details online.
  • There are a few simple measures you can take to ensure you stay safe.
  • Have a watch of this video

Task 4 - What is personal information? Click to see more

  • Look at this girl's social network account:
  • She has made a number of mistakes that could lead to her being located in real life.
  • How many can you spot?
  • What attempts has she made to protect her identity?
Lets try the following tasks:

Tick each task when you have successfully done it in the following list:

Complete the following tasks

Go to your Staying Safe OnlinePowerPoint
List some of the things that she has on her profile and separate them into:
Safe and responsible choices
Potentional unsafe or risky choices

Here's one example of safe and resposible choice to get you started

  • E.g. Use of a cartoon for a profile picture

Task 5 - e-Safety task Click to see more

Lets try the following tasks:

Tick each task when you have successfully done it in the following list:

Complete the following tasks

In your Staying Safe OnlinePowerPoint Create a list of precautions and measures you could take to stay safe online
Try and come up with 5, clear and concise points

  • Share your list with those sitting round you. If they have some points you haven't considered, discuss the points with them and try to come to a consensus of the five you are going to use.

Task 6 - Project Task Click to see more

Short assessment:

Lets try the following tasks:

Tick each task when you have successfully done it in the following list:

Complete the following tasks

Go to your PowerPoint for 'staying safe online' that could be used in a primary school classroom
Add a title page with five points for staying safe online
Your first point for staying safe online should be about privacy and sharing personel information
Using the information you have alrady written down for this lesson create a new slide that describes in simple terms how to keep your personel information private when online
Add a new slide that for the next one of your five points and again explain it in simple terms

Task 7 - Lesson review Click to see more

Summing it all up

Lets look at the learning outcomes and decide which one best describes our current level of understanding :

Tick the one you feel is closest to your level

Learning Outcomes I need to learn how to list precautions and measures to take, to stay safe online

  • I have a basic understanding of how I can list precautions and measures to take, to stay safe online with a little help from my teacher
  • I can show my teacher that I can list precautions and measures to take, to stay safe online without their help.
  • I can list precautions and measures to take, to stay safe online independently and I can also explain it to others and can complete any extension tasks I am given.

🠜 Now update your learning objectivesClick on the Assessment image

My Notes: e_skills

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Task Notes/Comments - Add here Click to see more


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