Computer Science LearnITWithMrC ⛯ Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 GCSE
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Creating an e-safety application

What am I Learning today?

I am learning how to use Hyperlinks, Buttons, Non-Linear presentations
I am learning how to use multimedia to enhance a product

Knowledge Organiser



Task 1 - Creating an e-safety app Click to see more

Using Powerpoint to make an interactive e-safety app:

Today we are going to learn how to use Powerpoint to craeate an interactive PowerPoint application for e-safety

Lets try the following tasks:

Tick each task when you have successfully done it in the following list:

Complete the following tasks

Open a new Powerpoint document for this lesson and save it in Onedrive with the name 'e-safety app'
In your Powerpoint app make the title page into a blank page
Add in some 'Word Art' and write the title 'Menu'
Change the background colour

Task 2 - Research it Click to see more

Lets go:

We are going to put some information in our powerpoint. Click on the links below to find and copy any information you think might be useful, into you powerpoint.

  • Childnet - shows how to report on various sites.
  • CEOP - part of the National Crime Agency.
  • '' also part of the National Crime Agency.
  • Childline Run by the NSPCC, is an important service to be aware of as an anonymous way of discussing problems and seeking help.

  • Task 3 - Linking it together Click to see more

    Making buttons

    We are now going to create buttons so that the user can click on it on our menu page and it will take us to the relevent page in our powerpoint

    Task 4 - Extend it Click to see more

    Show me what you can do:

    Do you have any other powerpoint skills?

    Now is the time to show them. jazz up your app so that it will appeal to primary students

    Task 5 - Making notes Click to see more

    It's time to use you lesson notepad

    Click on the bar at the bottom of the lesson page that looks like this:

  • Write a comment in there about how you feel you have done in this topic 'e-skills'. Say what you enjoyed and what you found hard.
  • When you are done click the save notes button
  • If you refrech the page it shoul appear in the notes at the bottom of the page.

    My Notes: e_skills

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    Task Notes/Comments - Add here Click to see more


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