Computer Science LearnITWithMrC ⛯ Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 GCSE
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e-safety 2

What am I Learning today?

I am learning how to take measures to protect my identity and privacy when using the internet
I am learning how to identify good and bad online behaviour, including cyberbullying and scams
I am learning how to create a strong password and explain how to do it.
I am learning how to demonstrate understanding of ways to report concerns

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Task 1 - Mini Assessment Click to see more

Task 2 - Being a good digital citizen Click to see more

Examples of unsafe behaviour can include:

Visiting unknown websites included in emails from people you don’t know

  • There are too many unknown factors in this above email. Both the sender of the email and the link in the email are unknown.
  • Viruses can be downloaded, without your knowledge, from websites. Using up-to-date anti virus software will help keep your computer as safe as possible but don't click on anything you are not sure about.
  • If in doubt ask an adult or visit childnet for more information.

Forwarding on nasty texts about other pupils

  • Why are you forwarding it? Is it to report what is going on? That's what a good citizen would do.
  • Clearly passing it on to make the matter worse is not the correct thing. Think before you act. Once it is done… it is done.
  • This is a form of bullying called cyberbullying. It is not 'banter' or harmless - it is a crime.

Forwarding on chain emails

  • What is a chain letter/email? A chain emails is a message sent to someone asking them to pass on a message to as many people as possible.
  • They are often hoaxes or urban legends. Harmless fun or a nuisance? The best policy… break the chain and delete them upon receipt.

Letting your mates know about a site that helps with history coursework

  • A great use of technology and as we all know sharing is caring! However, is everything on the World Wide Web true?
  • Check out this site. What do you think?

Uploading photos of your mates on to a social network

  • Photos are often a large part of young people’s online experiences and many of you are happy for your images to be posted online. You have heard that there are photos that have been posted about you that they are unhappy about. Do you know how to solve this?
  • Many social networks make available reporting facilities for abusive photos – make sure you know how to do it and do report if something is not right.

Always accepting anyone who asks to be your buddy on instant messenger or a social network e.g. Instagram/Facebook

  • It is incredibly important that you spend time reflecting on who you would accept into your online life. Not everyone is who they appear to be…
Humorous approach

Scare tactics

Ignoring messages from your anti virus software saying that updates are available or out of date

  • An important aspect of internet security is keeping up with updates to ensure the best protection for computers.
  • Why? Check out this site.

Having online discussions, with someone you don’t know about private things

  • The internet can be an environment where users feel anonymous and they can become involved in conversations of a private matter with people they have never met.
  • This can be a positive thing in terms of online counselling services such as Childline. However, some people engage children and young people in private discussions through flattery, persuasion and manipulation.
  • You need to be aware of this and make sure that your private discussions are done with trustworthy, qualified people.

  • Take this quiz and screenshot your score then save it into an Office document.

  • Task 3 - Password Protection Click to see more

  • What makes a good password?
  • Why is it important to have a secure password?
  • put anything you learn into your Powerpoint document.

    Now you have done your research

  • Click here for an informative quiz to test what you have learned from your research.
  • put anything you learn into your Powerpoint document.

    Task 4 - Reporting concerns Click to see more

    • If you are ever worried, uncomfortable or upset about something online then the key thing to do is to seek help and tell someone. This maybe a trusted adult or friend.
    • However there are other ways in which you may choose to seek help with online issues.
    • This includes ways you can challenge unacceptable behaviour online.
    Useful links:
  • Childnet - shows how to report on various sites.
  • CEOP - part of the National Crime Agency.
  • '' also part of the National Crime Agency.
  • Childline Run by the NSPCC, is an important service to be aware of as an anonymous way of discussing problems and seeking help.
  • Source Acknowledgement: This page was made using resources from

    Task 5 - Reviewing it all Click to see more

    Summing it all up

    Lets look at the learning outcomes and decide which one best describes our current level of understanding :

    Tick the one you feel is closest to your level

    Learning Outcomes I need to learn how to create a strong password and explain how to do it.

    • I have a basic understanding of how I can create a strong password and explain how to do it. with a little help from my teacher
    • I can show my teacher that I can create a strong password and explain how to do it. without their help.
    • I can create a strong password and explain how to do it. independently and I can also explain it to others and can complete any extension tasks I am given.

    🠜 Now update your learning objectivesClick on the Assessment image

    My Notes: e_skills

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    Task Notes/Comments - Add here Click to see more


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